Marines aren’t exactly the brightest of people. Sometimes when I’m in a large crowd of Marines, I feel like I’m one of many sheep or lemmings because no one usually knows what the fuck is going on. So we all follow the senior staff NCO who in turn does not know what the fuck is going on but pretends he does.

Counting off is where the group leader needs to make sure he has all of his people so that they can go off to do something (most likely something shitty). It starts off by everyone getting in a box formation, then one Marine would start off by screaming ONE and then the Marine next to him would say TWO and the Marine next to him would yell THREE and so on. Sounds easy, right? Well apparently to Marines, it’s like trying to dismantle the Hadron Particle Collider.

It amuses me how someone could fuck up this simplest of tasks.

Fucking up counting from 1 to 60 since 1775.